GLVA is a non-profit youth sports organization established to promote the wholesome development of youth through their association with adult leaders. We do this through positive role models with an emphasis on learning and enjoying a sport while instilling high moral standards and stressing the importance of academic achievement and community involvement. GLVA currently offers two NFL flag football seasons and cheerleading.
Platinum $500 (choose 1 of 2 options)
Flag Football per-season** support:
- FIRST (5-6) commitments will have a field named for their business on team schedules
- 3’x3’ sign displayed on field each game day
- Website banner ads and social media promotion (Facebook, Instagram)
- Promotion of sponsorship on Fox Sports Radio of the Lehigh Valley
- Company name and website in signature line of all league communications
Cheerleading per-season** support:
- Sponsor recognition in the cheer zone
- 3’x3’ sign displayed on field each game day
- Website banner ads and social media promotion (Facebook, Instagram)
- Promotion of sponsorship on Fox Sports Radio of the Lehigh Valley
- Company name and website in signature line of all league communications
Gold $250
- 18” x 24” sign displayed on field each game day
- Website banner ad and social media promotion (Facebook, Instagram)
Silver $100
**Flag football per-season support is defined as spring (April-June) and fall (August-October)